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- Bye-Laws

- Name of society: The name of the Society is NEUROCRITICAL CARE
- Registered office of Society: The Registered office of the Society is situated presently at:
- Date of formation of the society: The Society was formed on 01/09/2019
- Jurisdiction of the Registrar of Society: The Society is situated within the jurisdiction of the Registrar of Society & Registrar of Assurances
- Business hours of the society: The business hours of the Society shall be between 10:00 AM to 05.00 PM
- Objects of the society:
The main objects to be carried on by the Association upon its registration shall be:-
- To associate and affiliate into one Organization of all the Intensivists/ Neurointensivists /Physicians/ Anesthesiologists who are registered medical practitioners currently practising Neurocritical Care and/ or actively associated with Neurocritical Care or who are otherwise interested in Neurocritical Care in particular.
- To maintain the highest standards in the ethics and practice of Neurocritical Care.
- To encourage education, research, and scientific progress in Neurocritical Care.
- To give adequate training to those who are properly qualified and intend to take up this subspecialty
- To disseminate information about Neurocritical Care.
- To edit and publish publications in the field of Neurocritical Care.
- To protect the public against irresponsible, unqualified/untrained practitioners of Neurocritical Care.
- To safeguard the professional interests of its members.
- To affiliate with overseas bodies for the promotion of mutual exchange of knowledge amongst the members and professional colleagues all over the world.
- To encourage faculty exchange programs in India and abroad.
- To receive and accept donations, gifts, grants in kind & cash from any person or persons, associations, societies, companies, authority, or Government for furtherance of the aims and objectives of the society in its absolute discretion as it may think fit.
- To ensure that the income, earnings, movable, immovable properties of the association shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotions of its aims and objectives only as outlined in the memorandum of the association and no profit thus earned shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present or past members of the association or to any members claiming through anyone of the association shall have any personal claim or any movable or immovable properties of the association or make any profits whatsoever by virtue of its membership.
- Activities in furtherance of the objects: To promote and care of Public Health
- Suits: The Society shall sue or to be sued in the name of the Society
- A person competent to give directions:
The President of the Society unless otherwise provided hereunder is empowered to give directions regarding the business of the Society.
- Enrollment of members:
10.1 Eligibility:
- Neuro intensivist: Registered Medical Practitioners who are qualified / trained and actively practice Neurocritical Care from different specialty backgrounds including Neuroanaesthesiology & Critical care / Neuroanesthesiology/ Neuroanesthesiology &Neurocritical Care / Neurocritical Care / Critical Care Medicine / Neurology / Neurosurgery / Anesthesiology / Internal Medicine / Paediatrics / Emergency Medicine/Pulmonary Medicine
- Those intensivist / Anaesthesiologist / Neurologist / Neurosurgeon /Neuroradiologist / Emergency Physicians / Pediatricians / General Physicians who are interested in the fields of Neurocritical Care
- Eminent Specialists in the fields of Neurosurgery, Neurology, Neuroradiology, Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine, and Basic Sciences- who are devoted to the development of Neurocritical Care.
- Health Care Professionals who are working in Neurocritical Care or interested in Neurocritical Care including Registered Nurses, Physiotherapist, Clinical Pharmacist, Rehabilitation Specialist, Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker, Physician Assistants, Technologists, Speech Therapists, Medical officers
Categories of Members:
Life Member – it is expected that all Neurointenvists, and Intensivists who are registered medical practitioners actively working in Neurocritical Care and/or are actively interested in the field of Neurocritical Care should become Life Members by paying the lump sum subscription. They will be issued a membership badge with their photographs and 2 copies of their photographs to be sent to the secretary for the same.
- To stand for any post of Office Bearers.
- Have full voting rights against the production of identity badges.
- To enjoy all the benefits accrued by the association from time to time.
- Lifelong receipt of the journal/newsletter of the society.
Associate Life Member – Any registered Medical Practioner who is interested in the field of
Neurocritical Care does not necessarily practice Neurocritical Care. They do not have voting rights.
Allied Life Members – Any healthcare professional who actively works on or is interested in
Neurocritical Care (Nurses / Physiotherapist / Technologist / Nutritionist / Rehabilitation Specialist / Psychologist / Speech therapist / Physician Assistant / Social Worker etc.).They do not have voting rights
NRI Foreign Nationals – NRI / Foreign nationals who are life members will not
have any voting rights nor can they stand for any office.
- Admission and Subscription Fee:
- Validity: Life members, for life
- Fees Life Member – Rs 6000/- Associate Member – Rs. 3000/- Allied Member – Rs 2000/-
- Removal of members:
Cessation of Membership:
- Voluntary resignation of the member
- By the decision of the Governing council by 2/3 rd Majority of those present to delete the name of any member for any professional misbehavior or misconduct subject to a decision ratified by the next GBM.
- On dissolution of the association.
- On death of members
- Rights, Obligations, and privileges of members:
- Member shall mean a member of the Association.
- Committee shall mean the Executive Committee for the time being entrusted to manage the Association.
- The words “President”, “Secretary” and “Treasurer” shall mean the President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively of the committee for the time being of office.
- The singular shall include the plural, and the masculine shall include the feminine.
- Before any action is taken against the offending member, he/she shall be served with a notice in writing to appear before the Executive Commitee to allow explaining his / her conduct Readmission will be only possible if the Executive Commitee is convinced and on payment of all dues of readmission fees as a fresh admission.
- All Life members shall be entitled to attend Participate and vote at the annual general meeting either in person or through a proxy who must also be a member of the Association. A letter from the member in favour of the proxy authorizing him to attend and participate in the general body meeting shall be sent to the Committee at least two days before the date of the meeting.
- Any member shall be entitled to submit to the Committee any resolution, subject or topic which such member would desire to be discussed at the general body meeting, provided that the intimation is given to the Committee in writing at least one week before the date of the general body meeting.
- Transaction of Business:
- The Executive Committee shall transact its business through the Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee has the power to appoint staff for the Executive Work of the Association and to frame service rules for such staff.
- The Treasurer of the Association is authorized to have a sum not exceeding Rs. 10,000/- for the day’s transactions. The funds of the Association will be deposited in any Nationalized Bank or banks as decided by the Executive Committee under Rule No.24 of The Tamil Nadu Societies Registration rules.
- Executive committee:
Executive Committee Members:
- The members of high repute in the field of Neurocritical Care will be nominated by any 2 members of the society and elected by the members in the general body meeting or online elections conducted by the independent election officer and secretary appointed by the executive committee
- Members of the Executive Committee:
- President
- Past President
- President-Elect
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Editor
- EC Members ( Maximum of 9 )
- EC member ( from Chennai )
- Organising secretary of the NCSI annual conference
- Immediate Past Organising secretary of NCSI annual conference
- Duties of the Executive Committee Members:
- Responsible for the academic activities of the association.
- Directly responsible for the conduct of scientific proceedings of the Annual Conference.
- Will be responsible for raising funds for the association.
- Liaise with companies and other resources to promote donations and gifts for the association.
- Auditing the account for the association, journal and the annual meets
- Will in close association with the Organizing Secretary of the Annual Conference and treasurer make a viable budget for annual meets and any proceedings of the association.
- Eligibility of EC:
Be a life member of the Society, actively involved in the practice of Neurocritical Care and should have attended at least two annual meetings during the period of last three years.
- Nomination:
Nomination for the post of President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, EC members will be notified two months before the General Body Meeting (GBM) at the time of the Annual Conference. Completed forms duly filled shall be sent to the Secretary 30 days prior to the General Body Meeting.
There will be no election for the post of president. The President-elect will be automatically elevated to the president post in the subsequent year. The Organising Secretary of the NCSI annual conference and immediate organizing secretary of the NCSI annual conference are the appointed posts. An editor will be nominated by 2 members and selected in the annual general body meeting.
- Tenure: The term of the President , President -Elect , Pat President will be one year , The term of the secretary and treasurer will be for 3 years , the term of EC members will be for 2 years , the term of editor will be for 5 years commencing at the close of the annual meeting following the selection to the next annual meeting.
- Vacancy: Vacancy in the office of the EC shall be filled by fresh nominations within period of 3 months.
- President -Elect will be automatically elevated to the post of president in the subsequent year
- Shall chair and regulate the working of the General body.
- Shall chair and regulate the working of the Executive commitee
- Shall present the annual report to the General body.
- Shall preside over the proceedings of the annual conference.
- Shall call upon mid-term meetings as and when necessary.
- Shall represent the Society in government dealings.
- Shall be responsible for discipline of the Society.
- Shall coordinate the activities and functions of the committees.
- Shall closely coordinate the financiers of the associations.
- Shall perform such other duties as provided in the bylaws
- Secretary is the executive official of the association entrusted with job of handling all the official documents of the association.
- Eligibility: Life member should have attended at least three of the preceding meetings in a cycle of five years.
- Tenure: 3 years
- Nomination will be submitted for the post of Secretary 2 months prior to General Body Meeting. It is preferable that the Secretary and Treasurer are elected as a team preferable from the same city.
- In the event of vacancy due to unforeseeable circumstances it will be filled by Treasurer till the GBM.
- He/She serves as official correspondent of the association.
- He/She is directly and indirectly responsible for all the official matters of the association.
- He/She will maintain the records of the membership of the association.
- He/She will maintain close liaison between the various functionaries of the association.
- He/She will be working in close association with the Treasurer as a team.
- He/She will maintain the laws and by laws of the association and changes as approved by General Body Meeting will be informed and ratified by the register of the Society, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. In this regard he can take the help of the Executive Members located at Chennai.
- He / She will arrange for mid-term meetings if any in close liaison with the President.
- On behalf of the President, he/she will be guiding the Organizing Secretary of the annual meets.
- He / She will be keeping the members well informed with activities of the society through newsletter.
- He / She will send the notice for election to various posts two months prior to GBM through a newsletter / website defining the eligibility criteria and tenure.
- He/She will give due notice through news letter about the annual meets.
- He/She will maintain the minutes of General Body Meeting.
- He/She will present the report of the association at the General Body Meeting.
- He/She is the executive head of the association in activation, coordination of all activities of the association.
- To maintain attendance register of the general body meeting.
- To issue eligibility slip for voters during election.
- To arrange for conduct of elections.
- Life Member
- Active participation in three proceeding meetings in a cycle of 5 years.
- Actively involved in practice of the specialty.
- Elections: Elected in General Body Meeting preferably
as team member of the Secretary to work in tandem with him/her. Tenure: 3Years
- As a Treasurer of the Association, it is his responsibility to maintain a record of receipts and expenses of the Society, duly audited by a Chartered accountant (CA).
- He/She present the duly audited account at the General Body Meeting.
Financial year is 01 April to 31 March
- He/She will maintain the account of all donations and gifts.
- He/She will submit the receipt of subscription by members of the association. In case of unforeseen vacancy in Treasurer the responsibility will be taken over by the Secretary till a suitable arrangement is made by the President.
- Preparations and filing of returns,statements etc:
- Under Tamil Nadu Section Registration Rules and Regulations under Sub-Section 16(3)(b) Sub- Section 17 (2) Section 26 and Section 27 also other provision notices to be the Society Registrar and they should be filed before the Registrar.
- The Society must convene the General Body Meeting in the financial year within six months(i.e.) before September of every year During this meeting, the Society’s previous financial year accounts (Assets and Liabilities) under Sub- Section 16
(1) Societies yearly income and expenditure within Rs.2500/- these accounts of the society should be audited by members of the General Body who have passed tenth standard, by two members.. If the income and Expenditure of the Society exceeds Rs.2500/- and within the limit of Rs.10,000/- the audit should be done by two graduate members who are not member of the Executive committee but from the members of General Body. If the Income and Expenditure of the Society exceeds from Rs.10,000/- the accounts of the society should be audited by a Chartered Accountant under Sub- Section 21
(2).The above audited accounts should be placed before the General body to get approval. If there are no Graduate members, the accounts should be audited only by a Chartered Accountant afterwards the audited accounts should be filed before the Registrar within six months.
- The Society has to give a declaration that according to Section 16 (3) (b) (iii) the previous year’s functions of the Society were effectively done..
- At the end of the previous financial year, the member of the Society, their names, profession, and address list in Form No.VI should be forwarded to the Registrar.
- During the previous financial year if there is any change in the Executive committee that change under Subsection 17 (ii) should be filed to the Registrar withinn3 months in Form No.VII along with a Special Resolution.
- The General Secretary must keep ready for inspection by Registrar or any enquiry officer appointed by him, the records, books and files of the Society according to Section 35. g) According to Section 34 (1), after the inspection of the books by registrar, if he requires by order Section 34-A(2) it is the duty if the Society or Committee Member or members of the Society to give information or explanation to the Registrar.
- According to Section 36 (7), the member or members of the Society must submit the necessary books, records, accounts and other documents required by the Registrar on enquiry officer.. i) According to Section Section 13 (2), the clear name of the Society shall be placed in the entrance, in TAMIL.
- According to Rule 15, the situation of the Registered office of the Society or any change in the situation shall be intimated in Form No.V to the Registrar within 3 months.
- According to Section 30 Sub- Section 32 (1), it shall be the duty of every registered society’s, General Secretary to file mortgage or details of any other liabilities of the society if Form No.VIII and Section 32 Sub- Section (2), in form No.IX to the Registrar within one month. Association Funds and Assets: -The Treasurer shall act as official custodian of the association funds and assets He shall supervise the deposit of such funds into banking institution He shall re-invest them upon direction of Executive Council. i. Operation of Account: Open a bank account or accounts in any Nationalized bank in the name of the Association, and to operate the same jointly by Secretary & Treasurer to sign any application forms of the bank, furnish a copy of these bye-laws and rules; to invest the moneys of the Association in deposits with banks. ii. Statement of Accounts: The Treasurer shall present the auditor Financ1i6al Statements at General BodyMeeting. iii. Budget: The Treasurer will present the proposed expenditure of the Association for approval by the General Body Meeting.
- Funds of the Annual Conference: a. Organizing Secretary may be given an advance at the discretion of the President to meet the initial expenses of the Annual Conference The fund will be refunded to main body before the start of Annual Conference.
- The Organizing Secretary will submit the account of receipt and expenditure duly audited to the Treasurer within 6 months of the Conference or at the midterm meeting whichever is earlier and the same will be submitted to General Body by Treasurer. c. Transfer of funds to parent body: The unspent money of the conference will be handed over to the Association within 6 months of the Annual Conference or at the Mid-term meeting whichever is earlier after the audit and closure of Conference account If demanded, the Organizers may get a donation of 50 % of the unspent money back from the parent body after the approval from the office bearers of the society with the intention the money be spent on academic activities of their department. v. Mid-Term Meeting: As far as possible the Mid-
Term Meeting should be in Jan-Feb of each yearIn future, teleconferencing to be encouraged to reduce financial burden on theSocietySecretariat to appoint 3 members committee in consultation with the Presidentfor inspection of the Conference Venue and preparedness of the Organizers. vi.Miscellaneous Provisions: a. Seal: Association shall have officialseal/emblem with works “Neurocritical Care Society of India – Eagattur” and suchother wording as approved by General Body Meeting or recurred by law.
- Language: The official Language in all the meetings will be English
- By Law amendments: i. Any proposal for amendment orinclusion must be submitted to the secretary 21 days in advance of GBMIt should be in the form of a resolution duly supported by 5 active LifeMembers. ii. Such amendments will be put up to GBM and will be accepted only if passed by 3/4th majority
By laws changes shall take effect from the close of the meetingThe Secretary would in-turn submit a copy of the amendments to the registrarof Society, Chennai, Tamil NaduAmendments will be carried in according to the provision of Sec 12 & 12A ofthe Societies Registration as applicable in Chennai, Tamil Nadu d.Annual Lists: Once every year a list of the office bearers and members of theExecutive Council of the Society shall be filled the Registrar of the Societies.
- Application of Acts: All the provisions under all the Societies RegistrationAct of 1860 as applicable to Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
- Audit of accounts:
year of the society shall be: from 1st April to 31st of March (B) ACCOUNTS AND
AUDIT:. At the expiration of each financial year, Society shall prepare a receiptand expenditure account and a balance-sheet and shall cause them to beaudited by an auditor or by two or more members of the registered society (notbeing the members of the committee), appointed by the registered society andpossessing the prescribed qualifications.. (C) ACCOUNTS AND BOOKS:. a)The following account books and files shall be maintained and the same shall bekept only in the registered office of the society:-. b) Cash book showing dailyreceipt and expenditure, and the balance at the end of each day.. c) Receiptbook, containing forms in duplicate, one of each set to be issued with details formoney receipt by the society and other to serve as counterfoil.. d) Vouchers file,containing all vouchers for contingent and other expenditure incurred by thesociety, numbered serially in Red Ink and filed chronologically;. e) Ledgershowing consolidated and separate account of all items of receipts andexpenditure, member wise as well as item wise;. f) Monthly register of receiptsand disbursements.
- Supply of copies of byelaws,receipts and expenditure account and the balance
sheets:The copies of byelaws, receipt and expenditure and balance sheet shall besupplied to members on application at a cost of Rs 100/- for each copy of theabove.
- Fine/Action to be taken on members who violated bye-laws or rules:By the Executive Committee
- Mode of custody,application and investment of the funds of the society:
1) No part of the funds of a registered society shall be divided by way ofbonus or dividend or otherwise among its members:
2) save us provided in sub-section(2), no 18payment shall be made out of thefunds of a registered society to be president or any other officer of the societyby way of honorarium for any service rendered by him to the society.Investments of funds:A registered society may, to such extent and under such conditions as may bepermitted by its bye-laws, from time to time, invest or deposit any portion of itsfunds not immediately required,
1) upon immovable properties ;or
2) in securities of the Government or in National Savings Certificates or othersecurities of the Government of India ; or
3)in the post office saving Bank Account or
4) in a special account opened by the registered society for the purpose in a –
- a) corresponding new bank as defined in the Banking Companies (Acquisitionand Transfer of Undertakings) Act.1970( Central Act 5 of 1970) ; or
- b) society registered or deemed to be registered under the Tamil Nadu Co-Operative Societies Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act LVIII of 1961), the primary objector principal business of which is the transaction of banking business; or
5) in such other mode of investment as may be prescribed.
- Earmarking of funds:The Executive Committee shall review the funds position in its periodic meetingsand decide on judicious investment of the excess funds in the interest of theAssociation.
- Day to day business of the society:
- The Society is irrevocable
If the Society hereby constituted for any person in the opinion of the ExecutiveCommittee Meeting & Special General Body of the Society the net assets of theSociety both movable and immovable shall be handed over to any society asdecided by the majority at the Special General Body Meeting
- The Society shall invest its income for available investmentfrom time to time in specific mode of investments as per Section 13 (i) (d) readthe section (ii) (5) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. iii. The income andfunds of the Society shall be solely utilized towards the objects of the society andno portion of its income shall be utilized for payment to Office Bearers andExecutive Committee Members by ways o1f9 Salary, Remuneration, Profit,Interest, Dividends, etcand Tamil Nadu Society Registration Act 1975 and Rules. iv. Thefunds of the Society should not be applied for any religious purposes or given toreligious institutions. v. Any amendment to the instrument would becarried only with the approval of Registrar of Societies. vi. Acquisition /Allination of immovable property shall be done with prior approval of Registrar of
Societies. vii. The activities and the functions of the Societies shall beutilized only towards charitable purpose and not for any profit motive. viii.At present the society has no immovable propertyNo activities of the Societies will be carried out anywhere outside India, withoutprior permission from the appropriate / concerned Registrar of Societies. ix.
The activities should be confined to the territory of Tamil Nadu State.
- The benefit of Objects would be available to the general publicirrespective of caste, creed, religion or sex.
- Preside and processing of the meetings:
Notice of every such General meeting shall be given to all members 21 daysbefore the meeting. The notice shall contain the day, hour and venue andobject of the meeting, and amendment of bye-law if any. The notice shall be sentto the members by one or more of the following mode viz., a.By local deliver orby post or by circulation by the members or by publication through press.b.Quorum: The Quorum of the all General Body Meeting shall be 1/3rd of thetotal members.
- General Body meeting:
General Body Meetings i. The General Body Meeting of theAssociation shall be held annually, not later 6 months after the closing of thefinancial year. i.e., on or before September 30th. ii. The Committeeshall convene the General Body Meeting after at least 21 days notice has beenissued to the members of the Association, provided that non-receipt of a noticeby a member shall not invalidate the meeting. The notice shall be sent alongwith the Agenda for the meeting, income and expenditure statement and balancesheet, if any, for the previous year. iii. All members shall be entitled toattend. Participate and vote at the annual general meeting either in person orthrough a proxy who must also be a member of the Association. A letter fromthe member in favour of the proxy authorizing him to attend and participate in thegeneral body meeting shall be sent to Committee at least 2 days before the dateof the meeting. iv. Apart from items decided on by the Committee, theagenda for the general body meeting shall include the following:
- Considering the Annual Report and Audited Accounts of the Association
- Election of the Executive Committee · Amendments to the bye-laws
and rules
If any; · Resolutions moved by the members or by the Committee;
- Determining and fixing the Association dues, charges subscription andbudget for the year; · Appointment of Auditors v. Any membershall be entitled to submit to the Committee any resolution, subject or topic whichsuch member would desire to be discussed at the general body meeting,provided that the intimation is given to the Committee in writing at least 1 weekbefore the date of the general body meeting. vi. Voting at the generalbody meetings in respect of all items except elections shall be by show ofhands. The vote relating to election of Committee members shall be by secretballot or any other means decided at the general body meetings with eachapartment owner be entitled to one vote. A simple majority of 51% shall besufficient for all matter except matters relating to amendment, alteration ordeletion of the existing bye-laws, in which case a majority of 75% shall berequired. The majority referred to shall be with respect to the members presentor represented at the general body meeting. vii. The Quorum for thegeneral body meeting shall be 1/3rd of the members of the Association. If, onthe expiry of half an hour of the time specified for the meeting, no quorum isestablished, the meeting shall be adjourned to the same place, day and time thefollowing week. At such adjourned meeting the total member or memberspresent shall constitute sufficient quorum. All decisions and proceedings at suchmeeting shall not be there after called in questions. viii. An extraordinarygeneral meeting may be called either by the Committee itself or on a writtenrequest therefore signed by at least 1/3rd of the members of the Association,excluding members of the CommitteeAll provisions applicable to the annual general body meeting as stated aboveshall be applicable to these meetings also. Function of General Body
Meetings: i. To confirm the minutes of the last General BodyMeeting. ii. To receive and pass the report of the ExecutiveCommittee. iii. To receive the audited Balance sheet, Income andExpenditure account and report s of auditors and pass resolution in approval orotherwise thereof. iv. To appoint auditors for the ensuring year andalso to fix their remuneration. v. To consider appeals against anyorders of the executive committee in the process of exercising its supremeauthority, in the better interest of the members of the Society. vi. Theamendments or repeal of the Memorandum of Society or the Rules andRegulations of the Society. vii. Fixation of entrance fee, subscriptionetc. viii. General Body Meeting within 21 days from the date of receipt ofsuch a notice by giving 21 days notice of the meeting to all members.
- The Executive Committee Members will be election once in 2 years. Powers: The general body at its annual GBM empowersthe executive commitee with complete executive control ofthe society for the duration of their tenure. Their decision will be binding on allthe members of the association.
Extra Ordinary General Body Meeting:
- An extra ordinary / urgent general body meeting shall be called bythe president or secretary or 1/3rd (one third) or more members give a notice inwriting to the president or the Executive Committee to call for the Extra ordinarygeneral body meeting, giving reasons for calling such a meeting it will bemandatory for the president or the secretary to call for such an extra ordinarygeneral body meeting after 21days from the date of receipt of such a notice bygiving 21 days notice of the meeting to all members.
- If theexecutive committee fails to send notice of such meeting within 21 days from thereceipt of the requisition the members concern may themselves call the meetingafter 21 days of the date of submission of such requisition, 1/3rd membersshould attend to form quorumIn such cases, if the necessary is not present in the requisitioned meeting, thenthe meeting shall stand dissolved.
iii. A special resolution shall berequired to be passed at the General Body Meeting or Extra Ordinary GeneralBody Meeting by 3/4th majority of members present for the purpose of passingall special resolution.
- Will be held for the following posts
President -Elect : Every Year
- Secretary (Every 3 Years)
Treasurer (Every 3 Years)
- EC Members (Every 2 years )
- Notification for the election will be issued by the Secretariat Two months i
- Forms duly completed by those desirous of being elected for the
- various posts should reach the Secretariat one month in advance of the GBM.
- Responsibility: The Organising Secretary of Annual Conference will make
- necessary arrangements for holding the elections in terms of following:Provision of ballot boxes. ii. Provision of enclosures Printing of ballotpapers will be done by the Secretary. Returning officer will be nominated by thepresident.
- Election Procedures: i. Returning officer will be appointedby the president who should be a senior member of the society. ii. He/shewill be assisted by a representative of the Secretary iii. He/she will beprovided with an updated list of members.2 2iv. All the eligible membersmust obtain eligibility slip from the Secretary before the schedule time of GB.
- Against this slip the members should enter their names and sign in theregister as a mark of attendance of General Body
Thereafter they will be issued the ballot paper for exercising their right to voteat the time of GBM. vi. Members can exercise their franchiseconcurrently with the GBM. vii. Duration of voting to be decided byreturning officer depending on the number of voters. The date of election, place,time, name of the candidate, designation shall be sent to General Body Membersby post. Election shall be conducted under the supervision of the Election OfficerIf necessary the Election Officer have right to appoint person or persons toassist in his work.Executive committee meeting: They will meet at least oncebefore General Body Meeting to discuss the various agenda.
- Special Resolution:
24.1 Definition:
Special Resolution means a resolution passed by a majority of not less thanthree-fourths of such members of a registered Society entitled to vote as arepresent in person at a General Meeting of which a notice of not less than 21days, specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution,has been duly given.Provided that, if all the members entitled to vote at any such meting so agree,a resolution may be passed as a special resolution at a meeting of which anotice less than 21 days under this rule has been given.
24.2 Requirements of Special Resolution The Special Resolution is required forthe following matters:-
- a) To carry on the administration of the Society more economically or moreefficiently;or
- b) To attain its main purpose by new or improved means;or
- c) To amalgamate with any other registered society having similar objects;or
- d) To divide the Society into two or more societies; or
- e) To amend the byelaws; or
- f) To change the name of the Society; or
- g) To dissolve the Society.
- Inspection of records and accounts books etc:
The Register of the Members, the Minute Books and the Books of accountsincluding receipts books and voucher file and bank accounts shall be kept andmaintained only at the registered office of the society and shall be available forinspection during business hours by the members of the society free of costwithout any application.
- Dissolution: In the event of Dissolution of society, the same shall be taken over by otherSociety having similar objects.The society may be about a special resolution todetermine that it shall be dissolved and there upon the society shall bedissolved forth with.If upon the dissolution there shall remain after thesatisfaction and property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid or distributethe amount to the members but shall be not paid or distribute the amount tothe members but shall be given to some other Registered Association, havingthe same or similar objects to be determined by the Association.The associationshall stand dissolved as per procedures laid in Section (41) & (42) of the TamilNadu Societies Registration Act, 27 of 1975.Signatures to the Memorandum hereby certify that the Byelaws is the correct copy.