
Our mission is to provide exceptional, compassionate, evidence-based critical care practice to patients with neurological illnesses and injuries. We are committed to delivering the best medical practice consistent with current scientific knowledge and a multidisciplinary collaborative approach with other allied specialities to advance the field of neurocritical care and optimize outcomes for our patients. We are also committed to providing multipronged care, focusing on patient safety, innovation, and continuous improvement through collaboration, education, and research.
We Focus on
Presidential Message

Dear Friends

Warm greetings and wishes.

My humble thanks and appreciations to all my seniors, teachers, colleagues, and friends who were instrumental in formation and growth of the society. Enthusiasm from young members are a motivation and spark to travel in this journey passionately.

Striving for excellence is what paves the way for our society. It is about being at our best and living up to our fullest potential.

It is possible to transform the greatest adversity into a stepping stone for growth by commitment and assuming responsibility. Constant focus on what we do with involvement, balance, and clarity, we need not seek success rather success is going to be the natural outcome.

We have come a long way, and the dimensions of neuro critical care are evolving into different spheres. Coordination and leadership are great tools which can bring together the dots and build a great environment for timely management decisions and prompt execution of therapies which in-turn is going to make a huge difference in the outcome of the critically ill neurological patients. Positioned favourably in this chain we as Neurointensivist should assume the leadership role and be a pivot to anchor the systems of care so as the sailing is smooth and achieve what we desire.

Science is evolving and our concepts and understanding also are rapidly changing. To keep on pace with the current technology, evolution of therapies we have designed regular online modules of classroom with lectures and journal clubs. I seek active participation and invite you all to be a part of this and share knowledge and expertise.

With great privilege and pride, I take this opportunity to announce the 5th Annual conference of the Neurocritical Care society of India – NCSI 2024, to be held at Chennai.

Proudly Introducing the mascot Thalaivaa- a depiction of what you could be, a leader at par excellence who is committed, clear smart, fast and act in style.

Thank you all for the opportunities and responsibility you entrusted on me to lead this society. Together we stand, be inclusive and maintain integrity.

Whatever needs to be done this is the time, not tomorrow

The great banyan tree still stands magnanimously only with its branches. We grow and spread, never will fall nor will forgot the roots.

Thank you.

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        Upcoming Events

        August 29 - September 1 Chennai, India + Google Map

        5th NCSI

        Event Registration Link: https://www.ncsi2024.com, 29th August 2024 (Pre-conference Workshop) 30th -1st September 2024